Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Gearing Up....

Sorry it's been so long since I last posted. I took a few extra days off and stretched the holiday out a bit...thought I would get in some posts but ended up spending lots of good time with the family playing a little, working a little, and relaxing a little. It was a good time.

Yesterday, Terry and I went to Spokane to pick-up a couple of Craigslist purchases. Terry got a large air conditioner for his shop. He is working hard and heavy on a large furniture order to be delivered to Texas in August. We also scored a very nice large upright freezer for his Dad (PawPaw). With the price of gas we were able to combine many errands and take full advantage of being in the city....We went to the Snyder's bread outlet. I got twenty or thirty loafs of bread for 20.00. I freeze them and take them out as needed. It is a huge savings, especially since the bread we eat is approximately $3.00 a loaf at the grocery store. and there is seven of us. It is still in my plans to learn how to make home-made loafs of bread. I also went to Costco and stocked up on cheese, and some other basics that I buy there.

For me, the best purchase was a dual-burner propane cooker than I can use as an outdoor kitchen for canning. This will allow me to use two pressure cookers or water bath canners at once. Not only will it be cooler outside, but the dual-propane burners have a very high btu which will allow much quicker results.....or so I am hoping. I will keep you posted on whether it works out as planned or not....

Last night after we got home the kids and I picked cherries off the tree in our yard. It was really loaded this year. We must have picked 30 lbs of cherries. They are chillin in the extra fridge and I have been scouring the internet today for canning and/or preserving recipes. Please send any my way that you think are worthy. I'll post pics of the finished products.
The homestead is continuing to grow and take shape. We have a active project list to accomplish before the snow flies. We definitely need to build the horses a barn or at least a covered shelter. We have many chicks that will soon need larger accomodations than the 200 gallon stock tank brooder that Christopher has fashioned. We plan to gather more firewood and burn energy logs only at night. I will pick-up a permit tomorrow to allow us to gather wood from the national forest. The garden is coming along well. Terry and Michael fashioned a trellis for my beans today. Can't wait to start getting fresh veggies from the garden......mmm, I can't taste the squash right now.
Please feel free to post your projects and progress and hopefully we can encourage one-another. I will offer any advice, support, or encouragement needed and would love the same. Take care - Waste not, want not.

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