Monday, June 9, 2008

Life on the Homestead

Gertie and Emily (the youngest teenager - 13 years) enjoying some of the pretty weather this weekend. This was taken as we were introducing the cows to the horses. There is always some new excitement around here, especially with 5 teenagers and lots of "farm animals" (chickens, 2 dairy goats, 2 calves, and 2 horses). We pick up our newest addition this weekend. Stay tuned for the "Name the PIG contest. Cool prize to the winner, so get ready to post your comments".

I am really getting excited to start harvesting some food from the garden. This is a pickling cucumber that will be picked this week. I still have a couple of raised beds still to be planted. The growing season here is Idaho is so short, so we are giving thought to a greenhouse but I imagine there will be more pressing issues (housing for animals) before winter. The fruit trees seem to have lots of fruit, so we are planning on preserving all that we can. We are on the hunt for a used orchard ladder.

We've made a list of projects for this summer. We will be building a deck all along the back of the house. We also plan to side and put metal roofing on the new chicken coop that we built this spring. I will post pictures as we tackle these summer projects. Send me your "to do" lists in the comments section and we can encourage each other. Til then.....

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