Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring Time....

Well the seeds have all come in as well as a soil block maker. That's the thing on the front right of the photo. Terry ordered it for me as a surprise. I'm ready to try it out. The recipe for the block mixing recipe is: using a 10 qt. bucket
  • 3 buckets brown peat (standard peat moss)
  • 1/2 cup lime. mix ingredients together thoroughly and add
  • 2 buckets coarse sand or perlite
  • 3 cups base fertilizer (equal parts mix blood meal, colloidal phosphate and greensand. Mix thoroughly and add
  • 1 bucket garden soil
  • 2 buckets well decomposed composg. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

I plan to mix the soil together in a large storage tub. Stay tuned to see our progress here on Bent Tree Farm. If anyone has some tips, please let them for me in the comments.

1 comment:

BurdockBoy said...

That's a pretty good recipe. I used to make my own seed start soil, but this year we aren't doing too much so I was lazy and bought pre-made. When I did make my own I baked the garden soil to sterilize it and kill seeds.