Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring where's the Spring?

Today we woke up to a fresh covering of snow...what the heck, I'm on vacation with the kids for springbreak and there are so many things that we want and need to get accomplished. Luckily after lunch, the weather cleared and made it into the 40's. No sun but no snow either. Michael worked hard at making soil blocks. We got a few seeds sown and are looking forward to getting more going this week. We are forecasted for a low of 10 degrees tonight so it will still be a long-time before our last frost. Here in Idaho we are usually safe to plant anything around Memorial Day.

Terry and Christopher cleared more bramble around the perimeter of our acreage. This will look so much better asethetically and will allow us to extend out the fencing,,,,utilizing the pasture to its full advantage.
Katlyn and I made another batch of "puppy chow" aka "dinosaur treats". Here is a step-by step of the recipe: 8 cups of rice chex cereal ( I used the store brand)
melt 1 cup chocolate chips with 2/3rd cup peanut butter and pour over the cereal
spread out the coated cereal on a cookie sheet and while still "wet" coat with
powdered sugar.

Here's to hoping you can find some spring where-ever you are.......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love that recipe!!

No spring here... we have more snow here! Not forecasted but still here falling and blowing.