Sunday, September 14, 2008

Did you miss me?

Sorry I was MIA for so long. Lots of exciting things to share, so I'll get to gettin'. When I last posted, I was introducing you to some of our wonderful four and two legged additions to the homestead. We still have them all, minus a couple of chicks....we think the neighbor's cat has been enjoying some chicken dinner. We are waiting to catch him for confirmation.

Canning season has been great. I have learned so much from you fellow bloggers, Kathie and others. Somewhere I have lost track of my tally but the pantry is really starting to look awesome. We have shared with family and friends and have received lots of mmm, mmm, goods. Makes you feel proud that you did that. Just another reason I love canning besides providing my family with healthy, economical food choices. Speakin' of familiy, canning is a family affair. Everyone helps and feels the pride of a job well-done.

We made a fast and furious trip to Texas. It was so awesome to see family and friends and to feel the pride of seeing our eldest take another big step in her life and give to us the gift of a wonderful son-n-law. Welcome, Andres, we are so blessed to have you in our lives.

First Day of School

Everyone headed off to school, hopeful for another great year. We have five teenagers, 4 at the high school and the baby is an 8th grader at the junior high. Can you say TAXI??

I'll try to not wait so long between posts. Sorry I left you guys a hangin' but I'm back and so grateful to be.


Anonymous said...

I did miss you! All those canned goods look awesome. Did you get my email a few weeks back?

In Stitches said...

You need a new post!!!